Turku Book Prize 2023: Call for Submissions

The European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC) are pleased to announce the Turku Book Prize in environmental history. The Turku Book Prize is intended to identify and encourage innovative and well-written scholarship in the field of European environmental history and carries a prize of € […]

2023 Tallinn Dissertation Prize: Call for Submissions

The ESEH welcomes submissions for the 2023 Tallinn Dissertation Prize in European Environmental History. The Dissertation Prize was established by the ESEH to reward innovative doctoral dissertations based on original research in European environmental history. The Prize was named after Tallinn, the city where it was awarded for the first time at the 10th ESEH […]

2023 St Andrews Article Prize: Call for Submissions

The ESEH welcomes submissions for the 2023 St Andrews Article Prize in European Environmental History. The prize rewards innovative and well-written article-length research in the field of European environmental history. Articles (or book chapters that are to be read as a stand-alone work) published in 2021 or 2022 on any subject in European environmental history, […]

Bern 2023 Travel Grants: Call for Applications

The ESEH and the Local Organising Committee of Bern 2023 will make available a limited number of grants for ESEH members who will deliver papers or present posters (as main author) at the 2023 ESEH Conference in Bern, but who would not be able to attend the conference without external support. These travel grants are […]

ESEH 2023 Summer Schools (17-20 August 2023): Call for Applications

We are pleased to announce that two summer schools will precede the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) conference in Bern in 2023. The themes of the summer schools are Climate and Commons. Both Summer Schools consists of lectures, presentations, in-depth discussions, exercises, and joint-research projects conducted over the Summer Schools. They are open to […]

ESEH 2023 Conference: Call for Papers

The 12th ESEH conference will take place in Bern. The European Society for Environmental History(ESEH) is pleased to invite proposals for sessions, individual papers, roundtables, posters, and other –more experimental – forms of communicating scholarship for its 2023 biennial conference. Theconference theme has been chosen in connection to Bern’s closeness to the Alps and it […]

Call for Abstracts

Colloque “Syndacalisme et environnement”, che si terrà nella regione parigina in novembre 2023 (luogo e data da precisare).Partenariato tra Centre d’histoire sociale des Mondes contemporains (Université Paris 1, UMR 8058), Triangle (Université Lyon 2, UMR 5206), Pacte (Sciences Po Grenoble, UMR 5194) et l’Institut CGT d’histoire sociale.Deadline presentazione abstracts: 31 ottobre 2022

Call for Abstracts

This workshop is convened by the University of Trento research group in the framework of the research project “Inventing the Global Environment: Science, Politics, Advocacy and the Environment-Development Nexus in the Cold War and Beyond, coordinated by prof. Sara Lorenzini. Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and can be submitted to sara.desimone@unitn.it and francesco.magno@unitn.it by 30 November […]

Congratulazioni all’editorial team

La Società esprime le proprie congratulazioni all’editorial team (https://www.whp-journals.co.uk/GE/about/editorialTeam) della rivista Global Environment, che ha appena ottenuto il riconoscimento della classe A per i seguenti settori disciplinari: Area: 11Settore: 11/A3Storia contemporanea Area: 14Settore: 14/B1Storia delle dottrine e della istituzioni politiche Area: 14Settore: 14/B2Storia delle relazioni internazionali