ESEH 2025 Summer School in Environmental History

Segnaliamo una call for participants per una Summer School bandita dalla European Society of Environmental History e il KTH – Royal Institute of Technology sul tema delle “Anthropocene Histories”. This Summer School is intended for doctoral students in history, STS, philosophy, sociology, and neighboring humanities disciplines working on the history of anthropogenic environmental changes that have […]
Feeling the heat: environmental labour and care in the MENA region

Segnaliamo l’evento “Feeling the heat: environmental labour and care in the MENA region” organizzato dall’Università di Napoli “L’Orientale” e dall’Università di Oslo che si terrà tra il 24 e il 26 settembre 2025. Il seminario è volto alla presentazione e discussione delle ricerche in corso e all’esplorazione di possibili sinergie di ricerca sui temi dell’ambiente […]
Tea Cultures of the North

Segnaliamo l’evento “Tea Cultures of the North” patrocinato dalla Kone Foundation (con International Network for Tea Studies, Plant Perspectives and The White Horse Press) che si terrà online il 19 marzo 2025 alle 15.00 (UTC +2). This seminar will connect the idea of forest sentience to the detoxification, rejuvenation, and healing of people, plants, and places. With […]
Full Professorship for Forest History and Sustainable Development

Segnaliamo l’apertura di una posizione di Full Professorship (W3) per l’insegnamento di Forest History and Sustainable Development, presso l’Università di Friburgo. Deadline: 6 aprile 2025
Summer School in: Environmental History: European and Global Perspectives

Segnaliamo l’organizzazione di una summer school online dal 17 al 19 settembre 2025. In this summer school, we intend to provide participants with ideas on how environmental history can be brought into conversation with research on European and global history in the early modern and modern periods. Given the History Department’s expertise in these fields, […]
Call for papers: Social-Ecological crises and possibilities

Segnaliamo l’apertura di una call for papers bandita dall’American Association of Geographers per il numero speciale “2027: Social-Ecological crises and possibilities”. Deadline: 31 marzo 2025
Call for papers: Sloth. A Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies

Segnaliamo l’apertura di una call for papers per la rivista open-source “Sloth: A Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies” bandita dall’Animal & Society Institute. Sloth showcases the important and innovative contributions of undergraduates and recent graduates, giving those who are interested in human-nonhuman animal relationships a way to contribute to and engage in the field, […]