Segnaliamo una call for participants per una Summer School bandita dalla European Society of Environmental History e il KTH – Royal Institute of Technology sul tema delle “Anthropocene Histories”.
This Summer School is intended for doctoral students in history, STS, philosophy, sociology, and neighboring humanities disciplines working on the history of anthropogenic environmental changes that have impacted Earth processes on a planetary scale without necessarily confining themselves to the geological definitions of the Anthropocene. Together, we will discuss how Anthropocene Histories can and should be written and what are the sources and methods that allow historians to account for the elemental materiality in their writing. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Anthropocene governance – resources, extractivism, politics and justice; Histories of Earth elements and spheres: hydrosphere (oceans and terrestrial water), minerals (geosphere), cryosphere (ice, snow, permafrost), biosphere (multi-species history), atmosphere (air) and supra-atmospheric space; Time, temporalities, historiographical principles of periodisation; Modelling and the Digital Anthropocene; Material, non-textual sources.