Segnaliamo una call for papers per l’Internation Colloquium “Colonialism, Colonial Legacy, and Environmental Crisis: History and Memory” in programma il 28-29 maggio 2025 presso l’Università di Coimbra. La call è aperta a contributi in lingua inglese o portoghese.
Based on a case study and a perspective that crosses and brings together several disciplines (History, Economics, Ethno-ecology, Sociology, Ecology, Biology, etc.) and a longitudinal temporal framework, the conference aims to identify and examine/study both the environmental impacts resulting from the colonial past exploitation, and the post-colonial legacies and inheritances across various geographies (especially in Africa and Brazil colonized by Portugal), as well as to look into the colonial responses to environmental policy issues, to establish an effective dialogue between the past and the present, between memory and history in a truly interdisciplinary, comparative and critical approach to the colonial and post-colonial realities.
Deadline: 10 aprile 2025.