stockholm university

Call for papers “Waste and Children’s Culture”

Segnaliamo una call for papers dal titolo “Waste and Children’s Culture: Thematics, Aesthetics, Ethics” indetta per l’International Hybrid Workshop e con il patrocinio dell’Università di Stoccolma. Il workshop è in programma dal 23-24 ottobre 2025.

Traditionally, children’s culture has been associated with pastoral and rural settings unaffected by urbanization and environmental degradation. Today, however, there is no place on Earth left untouched by the unwanted leftovers of human activity. We live in what Marco Armiero calls the Wasteocene, referring to a socio-economic system increasingly defined by its production of wasted things, people, and places. In line with this development, contemporary children’s culture is obsessed with waste, rubbish, and polluted environments. Like Oscar the Grouch in Sesame Street, it loves trash!

Deadline: 28 maggio 2025

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