Second call for abstract “ISSHCON 2025”

Segnaliamo una seconda call for abstract per la 2° International Social Sciences and Humanities Conference, in programma dal 13-16 agosto 2025, presso la Bohol Island State University (Filippine). La conferenza ha per tema “Reth(A/I)nking the Environment: Sustainability and Health in the Age of AI”.

The International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities hosted by the College of Liberal Arts of De La Salle University invites scholars from the different fields of social sciences and humanities in the Asia-Pacific Region and other parts of the world to converge in a dialogue to “re-thank” the earth and its bountiful resources which gave birth to human civilization and allowed it to flourish. We need to “re-think” our responsibilities as the Earth’s custodian and discourse on human activities impact on the environment in the hope of advancing sustainable practices and means to reduce the negative impact of AI on our physical and social environment. We also need to contemplate and critically examine the idea that a sustainable world will be beneficial to our physical and mental health

Deadline: 15 aprile 2025

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