
Shelby Cullom Davis Center, Princeton – Environment and Climate fellowship

The Shelby Cullom Davis Center at Princeton University is seeking

candidates for the Environment and Climate fellowship for the 2023-2024 academic year. 

The deadline to apply to the fellowship is December 1, 2022.

Scholars working on questions related to environment and climate in an historical framework, in any period of human history, and all geographical areas, and projects that explore the mutual influence of social and physical environments are welcomed, including projects that foreground the role of the environment in shaping human societies and those that highlight the role of humans in changing climatic and environmental conditions. 

Particular themes may include (but are not limited to) the role of technology, migration, agriculture, justice, health, colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, political ideology, war, law, frontiers, property regimes, demographics, natural disasters, conservation and sustainability movements, aesthetic conceptions of natural and built landscapes, and the intellectual history of issues of environment and climate. 

Particular interest is given to projects that explore the intersection between histories of the environment and climate, on the one

hand, and histories of race, gender, and/or inequality on the other.

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