Two-year postdoc at College of William&Mary

Segnaliamo una posizione per un Mellon Postdoctoral Research Associate della durata di due anni a partire dal 10 agosto 2025, indetta dal College di William & Mary (Williamsburg, Virginia, USA).

We seek an individual with expertise in Multispecies Politics or Animate Ecologies. In this appointment, the postdoc will have substantial amounts of time to focus on their own research agenda. In addition, the postdoc will work with faculty mentors on a project on Multispecies Politics. The successful applicant will also be required to organize ENSP 250, a 1-credit lecture series, in the Spring semester of their first year and design and teach a new 3 or 4 credit course of their choosing in both the Fall and Spring semesters of their second year.

Deadline: 14 marzo 2025.

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